What makes or breaks National Dialogues?
→ National Dialogues have been used as an instrument to resolve political crises and pave the way for political transitions and sustainable peace.
→ While most National Dialogues reached an agreement, only half of these agreements were implemented.
→ When National Dialogues resulted in sustainable transitions, there was generally a favorable consensus among power-holders, in addition to international support and public buy-in.
→ National Dialogues have often been used by elites as a tool to gain or reclaim political legitimacy, which has limited their potential for transformative change.
→ Procedures for preparing, conducting, and implementing National Dialogues, in particular selection and decision-making rules, play a decisive role in whether processes are perceived as representative and legitimate.
→ In the short term, National Dialogues have reduced violence by transferring grievances voiced from the street into formalized processes.
Find more here: https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/IPTI-Briefing-Note-National-Dialogues.pdf